Rational Choice

Twitterview (twĭt'ər vyū) n. A twitterview is a combination of the terms Twitter and interview. The Twitter medium of 140 characters forces a concise style of interviewing and response. The public can join in on the conversation and become participants themselves by following along or tracking hashtags. On...

Microcapitation (mī‘kro kăp’ĭ-tā‘sh en) n. A health care delivery mechanism wherein a service provider contracts with an administrator to provide health care services on a per capita basis. A financing mechanism wherein a service provider assumes financial risk, is compensated at a fixed per capita...

Differential (dĭf'ə-rĕn'shəl) adj. Of, relating to, or showing a difference. Constituting or making a difference; distinctive. Dependent on or making use of a specific difference or distinction. This is the third in a four part series of interviews with the panelist of "The Business Case for...

Long Tail (lông tāl) New business phenomenon in which low distribution and storage cost enable significant profits to be realized by selling small volumes of niche items instead of large numbers of popular items. The potential for online retailers to make more money than their...