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Healthy Eyes


Did you know your health benefits include eye screenings? And did you know your eyes are like windows to your health? That’s why, even if your vision’s good, you should have your eyes checked when you come into our Practice. We have the people who can see your health clearly.

Here’s who you can see

Annie Low

Annie is a primary care optometrist who has been in practice for five years. She began her career in a small private practice and has continually expanded her practice settings by moving to a large retail setting and then to the employer health industry. Her practice scope ranges from infants and geriatrics and everything in between. She has been employed by Crossover Health Medical Group for several years and appreciates the opportunity to practice in an integrated care environment. Annie loves the California sunshine and enjoys her free time with her husband and twin sons. She is a voracious reader (2-3 books per week), a music aficionado who can play six instruments, and has the dream to one day produce an album.

Fazila Malik

Dr. Fazila Malik graduated from UC Davis and completed her Doctor of Optometry degree with honors from UC Berkeley. She has trained at the VA hospitals in Miami, FL and Portland, OR as well as at OMNI Eye Services, a tertiary ophthalmology practice. She is a member of the American Optometric Association and The California Optometric Society; she is certified to treat glaucoma and a variety of other eye medical conditions. Dr. Malik is a native of the Bay Area and currently resides in the Peninsula with her husband and son. She is enjoying the adjustment to life as a new mom and enjoys traveling, trying new restaurants, and spending quality time with her family and friends.


You deserve an eye screen

A lot of people think that the only reason you need an eye screen is if you need corrective lenses. But no matter your age or health, regular eye exams should be part of your health routine.


Sure, your optometrist will certainly check the health of your eyes and determine your prescription for glasses or contacts if you need them. But did you know that an eye exam often provides the first indicator of chronic issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes? Your eyes may be the windows to your soul, but they’re also the windows to your health.


See us about seeing better when you come in for your next appointment. After all, it’s right in our Practice, and it’s all part of our promise to have all the healthcare you need, under one roof and close by. We’ll help you #seemore

Eye Style

Our promise to you is to help make being healthy simple and convenient. And at our optometry center, even stylish.


So, if you do need new or replacement glasses, check out the awesome selection of frames in our optometry center.


Healthcare designed around you.

Your employer wants to make it simpler to get and stay healthy. That’s why we’re working with your company to provide our awesome health care option, close by.


What makes it awesome? Same-day doctor appointments. Online scheduling. Extremely competitive pricing. Multiple specialties all under one roof. Check-ups, urgent care and much more. And we wrap it in a remarkable experience that makes you feel like you belong to something magic. Even if you have your own doctor, you’ll be delighted with the range of services and healthcare professionals we have to help you.

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Enjoy this amazing benefit from your employer.