Day 40 through Day 5: Its all a blur

Day 40 through Day 5: Its all a blur

Blur (blûr) v.

  1. To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure.
  2. To smear or stain; smudge.
  3. To lessen the perception of

As those who follow this blog know, we have been counting down from the 90 day mark toward our grand opening. The actual countdown has been expanded by the time-space continuum in that as you approach the speed of light time actually slows down.

Crossover Health Showroom feature wall and self check in area.
Crossover is all about a simple, affordable, and efficient health care experience.

However, the last 35 days have zoomed by without me providing the regular updates so here you go:

  • Finished buildout
  • Finished finish work
  • Completed cement work in Showroom
  • Build out of furniture (we did it all at Ikea!)
  • Worked out workflow issues with new software, new site, and new team
  • Build out XR room
  • Completed marketing campaign
  • Finished new website
  • Repainted extra space
  • Cleaned up, hauled out, polished up, rubbed off, and general spitshine
  • Invited friends and family to join us in Opening!

The good news is alot of it was captured on video or time lapse and I will be making some pointed comments in future posts regarding several aspects of our buildout and preparations for launch. Needless to say, it was a fabulous experience and we worked with an amazing high end retail builder – Display It – to create a space that is equal to the opportunity that we are pursuing. So take a long look . . . its all a blur to me.

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