Day 84: Taglines for a New Business Model

Day 84: Taglines for a New Business Model

Tagline (tăg’līn’) n.

  1. An ending line, as in a play or joke, that makes a point.
  2. An often repeated phrase associated with an individual, organization, or commercial product; a slogan.

An exciting opportunity as part of our opening a clinic is the ability to communicate new messaging around what it is we do. I am passionate about the membership-based primary care model as the means to bring about major reform within our current health care system. However, convincing patients of the value of the membership model takes significant work particularly at this early stage of the introduction of the model. Early pioneers like QLiance and Current Health have been successful but it has been a long, tough slog. In fact, I would argue that the core competency to effectively convince and convert patients to this new model will be the differentiator in those pursuing this model.

To that end, we have been assiduous in our approach to messaging. Our developing model is to provide excellent access through our urgent care, deliver a service experience that dazzles the patients, create an incentive to become a member of our practice, and as a member have access to a wide array of innovation communication tools that make online, anytime, and anywhere health services possibles. These capabilities got us thinking about how we should position this to the patients who are unfamiliar with our model. We came up with the following as a visual sign to the 75,000 or so cars that pass by our walls every day:

Our thinking above heavily influenced the order of wording as well. We believe that the urgent care is the draw that brings patients in, the membership based primary care is what keeps them engaged, and our enhanced capabilities help them experience the power of the new model. This wasn’t without angst as we debated if people would even understand the term online care. We reasoned that most people would not get it but it was interesting enough that we believe they will go online to our site to figure out what it is. “Online Care” is a term that is not yet owned, (American Well has promoted the term effectively), but that we could seriously influence its adoption and our pioneering of it here in OC.

We went through multiple variations of colors, sizing, and shapes but ended up with the above as a functional tagline above. We also had to decide multiple iterations of lighting, backlighting, halogen, etc. And of course, for good measure, we were hit with having to remove and repair the old signs.

For interest, a couple of other variations follow below:

Alternative Approach to Signage Project

Alternative Approach 2 to Signage Project

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