Dear Bombalero's: Please don't work here

Dear Bombalero's: Please don't work here

This is a paragraph that I wrote in preparation for our latest Crossover Health University. It’s addressed to all our new Crossover Health Bombalero’s (affectionate name for all Crossover peeps).

Dear Bombalero’s,

We are so excited that each of you are here. I am always amazed to see how our company and our mission are able to attract some of the best, brightest, and most caring professionals in the industry. We love that you want to join with us in fundamentally changing the health care system.

However, I hope you don’t “work” here.

I hope that you don’t drag into work because its another dreary day “on the job”. l hope you never try to get buy with a half-hearted effort because you don’t know if your contributions matter. I hope you never try to pass off “good enough” for your best effort. I hope you never walk past something that’s broken, doesn’t work, or isn’t as it should be because it is someone else’s problem.  I hope you never try to fit in, get by, slide past, or stay under the radar while biding your time, mailing it in, or waiting to collect a paycheck. I hope you never have a pit in your stomach on Sunday night, wake up filled with dread Monday, and pray for Friday every dreary day of the week.

Seriously, please don’t work here.

Instead, I hope you sign up, sign in, step up, and step out of your comfort zone. I hope you are filled with ideas, filled with hope, and filled with a desire to make a difference today. I hope that you feel like you are a part of something, that you are contributing meaningfully, and that you can be your best self today. I hope that you join “the cause”, your part of the movement, and you are the solution you have always been looking for. I hope you find joy in the big things, the small things, and all the thing in between. I hope you find your colleagues fascinating, super smart and interesting, and I hope they will say the same thing about you. I hope you dig into the challenging problems, you fight your way thought the muck, and you have find the satisfaction of solving something really hard. I hope you come home more energized than when you left home and race back to the office in the morning because the breakthrough idea finally struck you. I hope you love your role, your teammates, the clients we are fortunate to work with and the patients we have the privilege to serve. I hope you have passion – and I really hope it shows.

Because that’s not work – that is having the best, most creative, and productive time of your life!

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