X PRIZE Overview – Initial Design and Prize Guidelines

X PRIZE Overview – Initial Design and Prize Guidelines

Overview (ō’vər-vyū) n.

  1. A broad, comprehensive view; a survey.
  2. A summary or review.

I am blogging and tweeting from #WHCC09 and am just preparing to head into the X PRIZE Announcement session.   It has been quite a whirlwind six weeks and a pretty harried run up to the event. We have been in startup mode with a rush to synthesize information, draft and prepare documents, and put on as much last minute polish as time would allow. It has been a blast and I am pretty pleased with the results thus far.

The following is a slide overview and Prize Guideline document of the proposed $10MM+ Healthcare X PRIZE. Lots of details to follow which can be found on the Healthcare X PRIZE site as well as in the Health X PRIZE blog.

Looking forward to your comments:

Initial Prize Design – Executive Summary

[slideshare id=1291749&doc=hxp-overviewfinal-20090413-090415003047-phpapp02]

Initial Prize Design – Prize Guidelines

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