Scott Shreeve, MD

Chief Executive Officer

Personal profile

Dr. Shreeve is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician who has been actively involved in the design, development, and distribution of life science technologies that improve the delivery of care and enhance the quality of life. He is currently serving as chief executive officer of Crossover Health, a next generation health care delivery medical group. Dr. Shreeve was a co-founder of Medsphere Systems Corporation, the first open source electronic health record for the healthcare enterprise, where he led the Clients Services team. He led the implementation of large scale electronic health record implementations at community hospitals, state wide health systems, and networks of primary care clinics. Dr. Shreeve is also a founding member of the Health 2.0 technology and reform movement, serving as an advisor to the conference and spokesperson throughout the country. His popular Crossover Health blog focuses on the enabling technologies that transform the delivery, financing, and outcomes of high-performance health systems. He earned his Bachelors of Science in Zoology, with a minor in Economics, from Brigham Young University, is a graduate of the University of Utah School of Medicine, and completed his Emergency Medicine residency training at the University of Arizona Health Science Center. He lives in Southern California with his wife and four children near some of the best breaks on the west coast.

Scott Shreeve

“I am passionate about fundamentally changing the way health care is practiced, delivered, and experienced by patients.”


Rich Patragnoni

Rich Patragnoni, MD

Chief Medical Officer

Nate Murray

Nate Murray

Chief Revenue Officer


Karoline Hilu

Chief Strategy Officer

Mark Nelson - CFO

Mark Nelson

Chief Financial Officer

Bret Jorgensen - Chairman

Bret Jorgensen
