Author: michelle

Overtreated (ō'vər trēt ĭd) n. The act, manner, or method of handling or dealing with someone or something. Administration or application of remedies to a patient or for a disease or injury; medicinal or surgical management; therapy The substance or remedy so applied. Over the holidays,...

Microcapitation (mī'krə kăp'ĭ-tā'shən) n 1. A healthcare delivery mechanisms wherein a service provider contracts with an administrator to provide health care services on a per capita basis. 2. A financing mechanism wherein a service providers assumes financial risk, is compensated at a fixed per capita rate, usually...

Dyscoordinated (dĭs-kō-ôr'dn-āt'ĭd) n. To purposefully prevent harmoniously working together To purposefully prevent pleasing combinations; or matches of form and function To purposefully prevent harmony of common actions or efforts In addition to doing a little Health 2.0 Experiment in my last post, I have to followup with the...