Author: michelle

I am in Washington DC to participate in the 6th Annual World Health Care Congress. It is a power packed meeting with tons of interesting speakers, presentations, announcements from many of the thought leaders throughout the industry. The demographics of this conference are certainly older,...

Realization (rē'ə-lĭ-zā'shən) The act of realizing or the condition of being realized. The result of realizing. Today, I am meeting with the X PRIZE Foundation at our 2nd Health Advisor Summit meeting in Washington, DC. We have gathered a small subset of health care thought leaders, innovators, providers,...

Pitiful (pĭt'ĭ-fəl) adj. Inspiring or deserving pity. Arousing contemptuous pity, as through ineptitude or inadequacy. There have been several interesting reports that have recently been published regarding the adoption and use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) by our health care system. The articles provide an interesting...

Leadership (lē'dər-shĭp') n. The position or office of a leader Capacity or ability to lead Guidance; direction I have written extensively about Kaiser Permanente in the recent past (here, here, and here) - not only for their notable achievements but even more impressive to me is their genuine interest...