
Crossover (krôs'ō'vər) n. The adaptation of a musical style, as by blending elements of two or more styles or categories, to appeal to a wider audience. A recording designed to appeal to wide or diverse audience I have been blogging for just over two years at Crossover Health...

Scheme (skēm) n. A systematic plan of action A secret or devious plan An orderly combination of related parts "Usual and customary" just became "Transparency and consistency" The United Health Group, in what will become a sweeping decision (interesting interview with author here) within the Health Insurance industry, ...

Current Health (kûr'ənt helth) n. Membership based, comprehensive primary care practice based in San Francisco area with plans to spread branded clinics throughout the West. Millennial version of the classic vision of a trusted physician who makes house calls. As I have mentioned previously, I have been...

Tweet (twēt) n. 1. A weak chirping sound, as of a young or small bird. 2. A “Tweet” is an individual message (or “update”) posted from Twitter. Twitter is an interesting application with a very simple premise - your friends and associates are actually interested in knowing...

Differential (dĭf'ə-rĕn'shəl) adj. Of, relating to, or showing a difference. Constituting or making a difference; distinctive. Dependent on or making use of a specific difference or distinction. This is the third in a four part series of interviews with the panelist of "The Business Case for...