Health 2.0

Circuit (sûr'kĭt) n. A path or route the complete traversal of which without local change of direction requires returning to the starting point. An association of theaters in which plays, acts, or films move from theater to theater for presentation. A group of nightclubs, show halls,...

Desist (dĭ-sĭst') v. 1. To cease doing something; forbear. 2. To abandon, break off, discontinue, give up, leave off, quit, relinquish, remit, or stop. I have been following health care consumerism for several years now. Particularly, the "Direct Access" or "Direct To Consumer" laboratory testing market....

Mea Culpa (mā'ə kŭl'pə) n. 1. An acknowledgment of a personal error or fault 2. A statement of acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon I have long been a big fan of Ingenix and their mission of using information analytics to help create value. They are an...

Generation (jĕn'ə-rā'shən) n. A group of individuals born and living about the same time. A group of generally contemporaneous individuals regarded as having common cultural or social characteristics and attitudes. A stage or period of sequential technological development and innovation. * This is a reposting of the article I...

Long Tail (lông tāl) New business phenomenon in which low distribution and storage cost enable significant profits to be realized by selling small volumes of niche items instead of large numbers of popular items. The potential for online retailers to make more money than their...