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Leadership (lē'dər-shĭp') n. The position or office of a leader Capacity or ability to lead Guidance; direction I have written extensively about Kaiser Permanente in the recent past (here, here, and here) - not only for their notable achievements but even more impressive to me is their genuine interest...

Systemness (sĭs'tə-m nes) adj. Arrange according to a system or reduce to a system The degree to which something shares the attributes of a system Last week I attended the World Health Care Congress Consumer Connectivity conference in San Diego. The Twitter stream was at near flood capacity,...

Treadmill  (trĕd'mĭl') n. An exercise device consisting of a continuous moving belt on which a person can walk or jog while remaining in one place. A similar device operated by an animal treading a continuous sloping belt. Today, Dr. Jordan Shlain and I opened the morning session...

Current Health (kûr'ənt helth) n. Membership based, comprehensive primary care practice based in San Francisco area with plans to spread branded clinics throughout the West. Millennial version of the classic vision of a trusted physician who makes house calls. As I have mentioned previously, I have been...