
* Guest post by Stephen Gaines, Crossover Health's Director of Member Experience. He previously discussed the value of membership and now shares his unique role at the company to ensure each and every member experiences next generation care. The Disney Influence Living in Orange County, California, it’s...

Connection (kə-nĕk'shən) n. The act of connecting. The state of being connected An association or relationship Sermo finally makes the connection between all the health insurance reform conversations and the inevitable consequence of pushing a large percentage of providers toward a cash based practice. I have highlighted the...

Coordinator (kō-ôr'dn-ā'shən) n. The act of coordinating The state of being coordinated; harmonious adjustment or interaction. I am finishing up some more of my postings related to the Innovators Prescription, but prior to do so I wanted to highlight a key insight mentioned when evaluating the disruptions required...