
Crossover (krôs'ō'vər) n. The adaptation of a musical style, as by blending elements of two or more styles or categories, to appeal to a wider audience. A recording designed to appeal to wide or diverse audience I have been blogging for just over two years at Crossover Health...

Tweet (twēt) n. 1. A weak chirping sound, as of a young or small bird. 2. A “Tweet” is an individual message (or “update”) posted from Twitter. Twitter is an interesting application with a very simple premise - your friends and associates are actually interested in knowing...

Generation (jĕn'ə-rā'shən) n. A group of individuals born and living about the same time. A group of generally contemporaneous individuals regarded as having common cultural or social characteristics and attitudes. A stage or period of sequential technological development and innovation. * This is a reposting of the article I...