For Employers

Leadership (lē'dər-shĭp') n. The position or office of a leader Capacity or ability to lead Guidance; direction I have written extensively about Kaiser Permanente in the recent past (here, here, and here) - not only for their notable achievements but even more impressive to me is their genuine interest...

Microcapitation (mī‘kro kăp’ĭ-tā‘sh en) n. A health care delivery mechanism wherein a service provider contracts with an administrator to provide health care services on a per capita basis. A financing mechanism wherein a service provider assumes financial risk, is compensated at a fixed per capita...

Vitality (vī-tăl'ĭ-tē) The capacity to live, grow, or develop. Physical or intellectual vigor; energy. The characteristic, principle, or force that distinguishes living things from nonliving things. I am finding it hard to use financial analogies these days to explain health care concepts given recent events. It’s...

Systemness (sĭs'tə-m nes) adj. Arrange according to a system or reduce to a system The degree to which something shares the attributes of a system Last week I attended the World Health Care Congress Consumer Connectivity conference in San Diego. The Twitter stream was at near flood capacity,...